Galatea Art Prize 2023
Dordrechts Museum
25 maart 2023
3 september 2023
Participating artists:
Berkay Tuncay
Marfa Vasilieva
Mohammad Abou Chair
Natalia Olhova
Natalia Grezina
Noor Issa
Tasha Arlova
Vita Buivid
Exhibition featuring work by participating artists at the Dordrecht Museum. June 11, 2023: Festive presentation of the Galatea Art Prize 2023.
From the Jury report:
'Poignantly, this artist makes a connection between a cherished, carefree past and a highly uncertain, sometimes bloody present. Exemplary is the sophisticated artwork she has created from a shiny dress that her own mother used to wear. This festive garment depicts a longing that everyone can recognize; the desire for freedom and joy; the excitement of a graceful, dashing dance. But the hem of this dress features blood-red fringe, a seemingly elegant but poignant addition with red beads, each in the form of droplets of blood. A picturesque, but deeply moving image.'
Natalia Grezina
From the Jury report:
Art beyond borders
© 2023 Galatea Foundation
© 2023 Galatea Foundation